Governance Services

Unleashing the potential of businesses, boards and leaders through tailored governance services.


“Companies with well-structured boards are 43% more likely to outperform their peers in revenue growth

Source: McKinsey & Company

Board Establishment & Setup

Our Board Setup & Establishment service lays the foundation for governance structures that align with your organisation’s strategic goals, ensuring accountability and enhancing long-term success.

Our Approach

  • Defining the purpose and scope of the new board.

  • Establishment of clear roles, responsibilities, and a governance structure aligned with strategic objectives.

  • Development of governance frameworks, including board charter, meeting documentation, annual work plans, and delegations of authority, tailored specifically to your organisation.

  • Training and development of new board members.

Key Benefits

  • Well-established and effectively structured board with clear roles and responsibilities.

  • Strong governance frameworks that support strategic objectives and decision-making processes.

  • Enhanced transparency and accountability within the board and organisation.

  • Well-prepared board members empowered to contribute to the organisation’s success.


“84% of board members believe strong leadership from the board chair improves decision-making effectiveness”

Source: PwC

Advisory Board Chairing / Independent Directorship

Our Advisory Board Chairing/Independent Directorship service provides experienced leadership to facilitate effective board meetings and offer independent directorship guidance, ensuring governance excellence. 

Our Approach

  • Facilitation and leadership of productive and effective board meetings.

  • Independent oversight to enhance governance, ensure strategic alignment, and reduce risks.

  • Guidance and coaching to board members, fostering strong leadership, strategic decision-making, and personal effectiveness.

  • Development and implementation of frameworks that ensure ongoing board effectiveness.

Key Benefits

  • More productive and efficient board meetings with clear, actionable outcomes.

  • Strengthened governance practices through independent directorship, improved oversight, and strategic alignment.

  • Enhanced leadership skills and decision-making abilities among board members.

  • Increased trust and credibility with stakeholders through transparent and effective board leadership.


“Companies with effective governance practices see a 20% improvement in overall business performance”

Source: Harvard Business Review

Board Reviews & Succession Planning

Our approach to Board Review and Succession Planning enhances board performance, ensures leadership continuity, and aligns decisions with organizational goals, fostering long-term resilience and stability.

Our Approach

  • In-depth review of current board practices, structures, behavioural dynamics, and communication styles.

  • Collaboration with the board and senior leadership to identify critical roles and assess risks of unforeseen leadership changes.

  • Evaluation of board composition, including diversity, skills, and experience, and alignment of board activities with the organization’s strategic objectives.

  • Development of a tailored succession plan, including timelines, milestones, and actionable recommendations for improving board processes, communication, and overall governance practices.

Key Benefits

  • Improved overall board competency, effectiveness, and strategic alignment with long-term goals.

  • Enhanced board performance through the implementation of best practices and a clear, actionable succession plan.

  • Identification of areas for improvement, leading to actionable steps and strengthened stakeholder trust through demonstrated preparedness.

  • A clear pathway to achieving successful governance and continuity in leadership during transitions.


“Directors who receive leadership coaching are 60% more likely to drive organisational change effectively.”

Source: IFC

Director Coaching & Development

Our Director Coaching & Development Program is tailored to your needs, whether you’re new to governance, an experienced director, or interested in a career in governance. We develop and enhance essential skills for effective governance and leadership, leading to increased ability, confidence, and influence in the boardroom.

Our Approach 

  • Personalised one-on-one coaching tailored to each director’s unique needs and goals.

  • Development of leadership skills, governance knowledge, and strategic thinking.

  • Use of real-world scenarios and case studies to enhance learning and application.

  • Continuous support and feedback to ensure long-term growth and effectiveness in the boardroom. 

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced leadership capabilities and governance knowledge among directors.

  • Increased ability to contribute effectively to board discussions and decision-making.

  • Greater confidence and influence in the boardroom, leading to more impactful leadership.

  • Improved strategic thinking and alignment with organisational goals.

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